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Rone: Image
Moore's Breakaway Birddog Ronin
Rone has the perfect combination of independence and team playing abilities. He is a pleasing dog and will work through anything to make you happy. Rone will give everything while working and do it over again.
52 pounds
23 inches
DNA Genetic Panel complete
PennHip R=0.33 L=0.27
Hips Good
Elbows Normal
CAER Normal
Rone has three passes towards his SHR title as the test season is slowing down he will get back out as soon as there are more tests on our side of the country. He's eager but calm on the line and is a great marker and doesn't give up on the hunt.
Rone will be getting back out on the road to run more hunt tests soon.
Rone: Available Pets
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